Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ummm.. Wow ! Revenge of the Double Down !

So how do you start the second post on your blog after Gapers Block and Huffington Post write about your first article...... Well unless pizza-hut wraps a meat-lovers pizza around a kielbasa I don't think we can cook anything crazier.

I do promise foodie fun from around the Chicago area and abroad and would love to hear what others have eaten that was just fantastic (pescatarian, vegetarian, or chock full of meat).

We also have gotten a lot of funny/ angry responses on Huffington Post. Addressing that: I make no apologies for my diet I never said I was a vegetarian I do eat fish (just not cow, pig, chicken or any other land animal). I will continue to eat want just like I have my whole life. Also, lighten up!!! doesn't anyone else see the humor in recreating a Meat only sandwich without any meat??? Oh well!!!

I love that you guys are interested Keep checking back 'cause this is about to get super fun!!

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